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Magnesium Dead Sea Salt Soak VS Salt

Taking a Bath weekly can help with stress too! You may have noticed some people love a good bath and rave about their soaks, bath bombs and more. And some of us just do not get it! Jordan Essentials can help show you why Dead Sea Salts infused

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Essential Oils…Your essential holiday support system!

5 ways Essential Oils can help you day to day this Busy Holiday Schedule 1.      Start each morning with diffusing! Diffusing essential oils is a quick, safe and convenient way to share the benefits of essential oils with the whole family. Blends

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Learn to Love Essential Oils

Do you know those people who love Essential Oils and you just do not get it? We are here to help! Essential oils are concentrated forms of natural plants, flowers, roots, and herbs with powerful benefits to the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. 

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JE Survival Guide to Black Friday

There are very few things in life that will prepare you for the marathon race that is known as Black Friday. A day that was created in the 1930’s to help increase sales during a short sale, this day has become popular among millions of shoppers every

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How to beat the holiday blues…

Santa has just started to ring the bell while standing at the front of the mall saying Merry Christmas and you hear a few coins clink in his kettle for the local organization. You hear children laughing and carolers singing but yet something is missing

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2019 Holiday Gift Guide: Great Gifts for Every Budget

Let’s be honest, shopping for holiday gifts can be hard work and tough especially for those particular ones you love so dearly! If you’re not in the mood to deal with all the hustle and bustle of the season, Jordan Essentials has you covered.

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How Gratitude and Health Go Hand in Hand

Ah, November – the month of Thankfulness and Gratitude. We live in a fast-paced society these days, sometimes we tend to forget, overlook, worry and notice about the things that are lacking in our lives. Instead of focusing and being thankful

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Myth Vs. Reality on Breast Cancer

Understanding necessary information about breast cancer is of vital importance, because it could help you recognize or help dissolve confusion when it comes to myths and realities about breast cancer. 1) Young Women Do Not Get Breast Cancer Breast

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Skincare Tips for Dry Skin

The seasons are changing and chances are so is your skin! Dry skin occurs when skin doesn’t retain sufficient moisture, resulting in redness, cracking, flaking, or scaling.  Often, the outer layers of the skin (the epidermis) becomes more dry when

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Your Diet is Powerful – Wholefoods that can Impact Your Overall Health

Chances are you have renewed your commitment to maintaining your good health and taking care of your body when dealing with illness and disease. A great way to help reduce chances of illness is to implement a robust, sickness-fighting diet, especially

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10 Ways to Improve Sleep and Have Better Rest

Society today (especially in the United States) is all about go, go, go…do, do, do. This has caused a zombie like presence because people are so consumed with maintaining incredibly busy schedules and having our noses in technology that we have

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Benefits of Exercise for Cancer Patients

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and Jordan Essentials has launched full force into #PinkOutFridays and #GetInPinkFridays. The impact of breast cancer treatment on a person’s long-term health can be very difficult to walk through. These

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